Leftfield Technology, LLC
127 19th St SE
Rochester, MN 55904

Difficulty diagnosing application problems

It used to be relatively easy to find out which job/user/program was doing what on the iSeries system through the WRKACTJOB command. While that command is still valuable, the iSeries is now often the database server node on a large network together with other servers and clients, and those network jobs lack the visibility of more traditional green screen jobs, users, and programs.

In particular, OneWorld is challenging to manage due to the loss of correlation between OneWorld users and their associated jobs running on the iSeries.

The Leftfield Technology Solution? insure/MONITOR.

insure/MONITOR adds distinctive diagnostic features that give the system administrator visibility into application, database, and system behavior they can't find anywhere else. For example, in a OneWorld or EnterpriseOne environment, insure/MONITOR links the iSeries jobs to the application user instead of a generic user profile. What can take hours or may be impossible using traditional methods can be done in seconds with insure/MONITOR.

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